Tough Tamar

Jack Selwood strengthened his position in the Wheelspin Trophy over Dean Partington who moves up to second place eight points behind the car he bought back into the sport.

Paul Jones captures Henry Hoggart on Tanks Terror. Henry was passengered by Norton Selwood the force behind the ACTC FB Group and Instagram.

This was a challenging Tamar Trial, especially for the cars, where even the most hardened competitors struggled on the new woodland sections towards the end of the trial.

Kevin Miller was third bike overall and would have won if he had not failed the first observed test. Kevin is the Admin of the FB Group “Long Distance Trials, LDT’s, South UK Lightweight Bikes” Photo by Paul Jones

Motorcycle competitors had some bike only routes and sections that were difficult enough to ensure there were no clean sheets. The classic lanes that started the morning didn’t prove too challenging but then came the Solo only section at Ladye Park where three was the lowest score. John Luckett dropped four here and was the only bike to clean the grassy Tanks Terror but had the misfortune to retire later.

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Dean Partington wins Dry Kyrle

Dean was one of five clean sheets, winning the trial by being fastest on the tests. Fellow Wheelspin contender Jack Selwood retired so the championship is still wide open

Bryan Hunt captures Matt Facey using BMW power at the foot of Blaize. Matt dropped his only point on Tee Pee’s to finish 6th overall. Only Matt and Dave Haizelden were able to break inside the Class Eight stranglehold on the top ten.

Ross and DMC managed to overcome the difficulties associated with running a forestry based trial and the Kyrle was held on a dry day making it a little easier than usual.

The results were dominated by some very competitive Class Eights, many in the hands of drivers in the lower end of the age spectrum which is good for the future of the sport.

Sadly Simon Lewis had to retire when the diff cried enough but was kind enough to post some great InCar Video. Click Here to catch up with Simons Blog


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Simon Oates wins Torbay in his Liege

Mark Wills best Solo and Steve Urell/Julie Williams took the Outfit award on a tough day made even more difficult for later numbers when the rain came down in the afternoon

Torbay winner Simon Oates on Tipley (Photo by Jo Goodman)

Returning to its traditional start at the Kennford Court Hotel the Torbay attracted its usual good entry. The start list was dominated by no less than 17 Class Eights, drawn no doubt by the Torbays reputation as a tough trial.

Principle organisers Dave Haizelden and Keith Sanders had to contend with a very wet period leading up to the trial which made some of the sections a little more challenging than planned. Then rain on the day itself made some very slippy for the later numbers.

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Philip Thomas wins Allen in Escort

After last years dry Allen this was a very muddy trial, especially in the woods.

Philip Thomas storming Travers on his way to winning the first ACTC trial for an Escort for many years. (Photo by Calvin Samuel)

After heavy rain during the night this years Allen Trial was very muddy , perhaps a little too muddy for the woodland sections. However the rain stopped once the event started and competitors embarked on a tough Allen Trial with no clean sheets.

The event was oversubscribed as usual but there were a few non starters and all the reserves got a run. In addition to the regular event there was a Heritage class, who took on a shorter route, but this was not very well supported with only four starters.

Continue reading “Philip Thomas wins Allen in Escort”