Richard Kinver wins Bovey Down Trial

Roger Teagle was second in his Fugitive

Paul Brooks presents Richard Kinver with the Broken Diff Trophy for the winner of the Bovey Down Trial (Photo by Peter Browne)

Windwhistles Bovey Down Trial was held in warm weather with the opportunity to tackle both Normans Hump and Clinton in the daytime.

Richard Kinver was best overall in his front engined Ford Special, dropping 10 points on the day. Roger Teagle was four marks behind in his rear engined UVA Fugitive.

James Gibson was third overall in the Goo Ford Special but came so close to an overall win, falling short by dropping 12 on the third section and penalised six on the first timed test. But for that he would have been on equal points with Richard Kinver and it would have come down to test times!

Peter Browne captures Mark White in his Suzuki X90

Fourth overall was Mark White in his Suzuki X90, one of seven cars in a well supported Class 90.

With nice weather, super catering and great sections it was another successful Bovey Down Trial.

Oliver Payne caught the action on Video. Click here for Olivers YouTube Channel

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