Dean Partington wins Challenging Northern

John Kenny was Best Motorcycle on a Tough Trial

Dave Cook was at the top of Sandale to see Dean Partington conquer the deep ruts. Dean and Charlie Knifton in their rear engined Class Eight cars and John Kenny amongst the Motorcycles were the only “cleans”. Link to Dave Cooks Northern Trial photos to follow.

With clubs having problems gaining permission to use Forest England land, together with local issues, it took a lot of work by Myke Pocock and his team to get this years Northern Trial off the ground. Even so they were restricted in what was available and a couple of sections had to be used twice.

Continue reading “Dean Partington wins Challenging Northern”

Nick Deacon wins Clee in X90

John Kenny best Motorcycle

Nick Deacon emerges from the greenery on his way to the premier Award on the Clee Hills Trial. Photo by Andrew Marchant. Click Here for more of Andrews Clee Photos.

The Midland Automobile Club had accumulated a formidable organising team for this years Clee Hills Trial. A veritable dynasty of trialling with Simon Woodall as Clerk of the Course, Pat Toulmin Secretary of the Meeting and Adrian Tucker-Peake as Chief Marshall.

Their event was classic modern Clee, retaining their unique twin loop system which helps finish the trial on time as it brings two hills into play at the same time but can make it a long day for the marshals. Continue reading “Nick Deacon wins Clee in X90”

Northern Trial

Rare overall win for a Class 2 Car

Nicola Butcher took Ben, Thomas & Barnaby on a weekend break to the Lake District, helping smooth out some of the tracks while she was there (Photo by Fred Mills)

Nigel Jones is missing the view of Bassenthwaite Lake, the only body of water in the Lake District to use lake in its name, as he concentrates on cleaning the Where Eagles Dare section. Photo by Dave Cook. Click Here to view and purchase one of Dave’s economically priced prints or Hi-Res downloads

It looked like a Class 2 win more or less from the start of the event when Bill Bennett was the only car to clean the slippery Telfs Challenge. The overall win slipped away from him when he was penalised on one of the Special Tests and then dropped a nine on the appropriately named Big Cockup! This left the field clear for fellow Class 2 competitor David Read in his Austin Seven who finished his trial with a smooth climb of Sandale.

Nicola Butcher was second overall in her familiar Class 4 Beetle and Mark Smith third in his similar Class Six machine. There were only a couple of retirements. Kieran Bartlett whose clutch failed on his Cannon after only a couple of hills. Hal Branson got a bit further but was troubled by a grumble from his new prop shaft and a gremlin with the Marlins electronic wizardry that prevented the car from idling. Continue reading “Northern Trial”

Dry Yorkshire Dales

Both Motorcycle and Car Categories had low scores as the sections were bone dry and there was a lot of grip everywhere. John Kenny was best Motorcycle, besting the versatile Steve Kingston on his Class A machine as opposed to the familiar MG Midget. Dean Partington was best car.

The dry sections put a strain on transmissions, Clive Kalber (Tucker Peake Pop), Lee Peck (Dutton Melos) and Dave Haizelden (Reliant Scimitar) all having their machinery wilt under the strain.

Sword Point 1 took away a few car clean sheets with a restart for 7 & 8 and a deviation from the main track for all proving problematical.

Both Dean Partington (DP Wasp) and David Golightly (Morton and Brett) only dropped two marks, Dean on Sword Point 2 and David on Watergate 2. The overall win going to Dean on test times.

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