Ian Davis won Falcons Mini Classic

an Davis put in the best performance on the Mini Classic at Edlesborough on 8 March. Ian was one of three drivers still clean when the rain came down. This made conditions so bad that the event was cut back to only two rounds. The result being decided on the special test times.

ohn Parsons and Mike Pearson chose Edlesborough for their mini-classic, only two weeks after the same team had run the RAC/BTRDA qualifier at Brickhill. The event was to some extent experimental, the idea being to create a “Classic” trial feel to a single venue trial, escaping all the complications of insurance and route authorisation. They were rewarded with an entry of 27, including quite a few cars we had not seen before.

Ian Davis bought along his VW Buggy. Yes, this is the same Ian Davis that was featured in Classical Gas a few months ago. Martin and Henry Allen were sharing a familiar car, the Mike Young built Racecorp, the brother to the Steve Boakes constructed car now owned by Mike Furse. I think Mike must have been instrumental in the next two entries. Keith and Margaret Oakes in their Buckler and Gary and Lucy Booth in their Buckler Mk 6. It was also nice to see Keith Pettit in his Austin A35 with 1275’s of BMC engine under the lid.

Quite a few of the cars were to be double driven, casing a problem if you were not able to see the sections in advance. This was solved by making the cars normal driver run first. The theory being that the “guest” had the handicap of an unfamiliar vehicle. The first section started in the field, twisting through the gate before going up the nearest path through the trees. Simon Robson was the first car, attacking the hill in his usual style, despite a having a very heavy cold. Simon got half way up before slipping back into the trees to the detriment of one of the rear door panels. This caused JP to re-route the section, giving Simon another run. It was still tricky and only eight cars went clean.

Hill two was not too difficult if you could follow the route, which was confusing, despite Mark Chilver’s efforts on point duty. It was nice of Mark to marshal while Sharon passengerd Robin Howard in his familiar Marlin. It was here that Sharon and Mark rolled their Imp while reversing down a hill a few years ago.

The next section gave us a taste of re-starts. Placed in different positions according to the class. By now the dew had gone and there was plenty of grip, although the line had been cunningly positioned and could catch the unwary. Then it was back down the hill to the start of the marathon hill four, twisting its way through the wood at the bottom before going up the gully and descending into the trees for a final assault on one of the steep banks. This was a nice section, not difficult, just fun to drive.

Finally came a special test where Chris Bonnett’s Peugeot expired when some of the front suspension came adrift, causing the drive shaft to pull out. Chris retired but was able to get the car mobile so he could drive it home.

At the end of the first round there were three clean sheets. Ian Davis in the Buggy, Fred Gregory with his Dutton Melos, sporting a new engine since its outing on the Cotswold Clouds and Henry Allen in the Racecorp. There were quite a few clean sheets on the second round, especially as we now knew where to go on hill two.

During lunch JP and Mike Pearson changed the hills ready for a planned three rounds in the afternoon. It was not to be, as no sooner had we started than the rain came down, making conditions so hairy that John had to bring proceedings to a premature halt. The special test times were used to resolve things between the three clean sheets. Overall honours going to Ian Davis. Fred Gregory, Murray MacDonald and Tom Goggin won their classes and Henry Allen came second in the well-supported class seven.

It was a shame about the rain but that’s always a risk, especially at Edlesborough. Lets hope the club perseveres and develops the concept.

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