Dean Partington wins Challenging Northern

John Kenny was Best Motorcycle on a Tough Trial

Dave Cook was at the top of Sandale to see Dean Partington conquer the deep ruts. Dean and Charlie Knifton in their rear engined Class Eight cars and John Kenny amongst the Motorcycles were the only “cleans”. Link to Dave Cooks Northern Trial photos to follow.

With clubs having problems gaining permission to use Forest England land, together with local issues, it took a lot of work by Myke Pocock and his team to get this years Northern Trial off the ground. Even so they were restricted in what was available and a couple of sections had to be used twice.

Continue reading “Dean Partington wins Challenging Northern”

Allen Trial

Mal Allen and Dean Partington take the Major Awards on well supported event

Calvin Samuel captures Allen Trial winner Mal Allen in his Marlin as he tackles the mud of John Walker as the light starts to fade. More of Calvins work on his Website where you can purchase hires downloads

Bristol Motor Club and its well established organising team were rewarded by 66 entries for their Allen Trial.

This years event followed the Allens well established format, utilising as many public tracks as possible. It wasn’t that long ago that The Allen was an all public track event. However, the inevitable loss of access has necessitated a couple of excursions onto private land these days.

The Allen has a reputation as neither being particularly rough or tough. This coupled with the dry conditions resulted in 14 clean sheets.

Mal Allen took home The Allen Trophy with his Marlin after putting in the fastest times on the Special Tests. Mal and Dean Partington put in an identical performance on the Ubley Wood test but Mal was nearly a second quicker at Frys Bottom. Dean was awarded the Redcliffe Trophy for best clubman and was best in Class Eight. Continue reading “Allen Trial”

Kieran Bartlett second to Paul Merson on tough Yorkshire Dales Trial

Kieran was driving Dean Partingtons DP Wasp in only his second event behind the wheel. His brother Stuart was third in his Cannon.

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In Car with Mark and James Smith

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Dean Partington won The Cotswold Clouds

The wet weather made this a tough trial

Dave Cook pictures Dean Partington cleaning Crooked Mustard on his way to winning the Cotswold Clouds

Dean dropped his only five marks on Pheasants Run, one better than fellow DP Wasp driver Mike Chatwin. These weren’t the lowest scores on this section but they both cleaned all the others. Deans success came when, along with Mike, Aaron Haizelden (Reliant Scimitar) and Nick Cleal (Peugeot), he was in the elite group that came out the top of Merves Swerve.

It was a very tough trial with the rain making Axe a real mud bath and Cowcombe Wood becoming so slippery the sections were cancelled as the access tracks were becoming dangerous.

Dean Cleans Allen

Dean Partington had the only clean sheet on a very wet Allen Trial, clinching the Wheelspin Championship in the process.

There had been a lot of rain in the preceding week, with extensive flooding in the south west. This made the Ubley Wood sections very muddy and it was here the event was decided. Dean was challenged by  Dave Haizelden and Keith Sanders, both losing only two marks on the hills, although Keith also dropped marks when he incurred a fail on the special test.

Mick Workman and Tony Underhill are pictures of concentration as they tackle the mud on John Walker (Picture by Calvin Talbot from Cstartworks)
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With all the flooding there was concern that the event was going to take place. However Pete Hart and his team checked things out on the Saturday and reported that, apart from the stream at the bottom of Uplands which was impassable, the route was good to go. 

There were a couple of non starters but there were still nearly 60 cars lining up at the start in Doynton near J18 on the M4. 

The Travers Restart sorted Class 7

After a gentle run up Tog Hill the restart on Bitton Lane was unfriendly to Class 5 and Nick Deacon was the only one of five Suzuki X90’s to get away. Guys Hill was next, perhaps the rain had washed the mud away because there were fewer failures than usual. 

The Yellows and Reds had to restart on Travers. and this certainly sorted out class 7, only the Marlins of John Hammill and eventual Class winner Dave Broom getting away. The restart also accounted for around 50% of class 8. 

Ubley Decides the Trial

The four sections at Ubley Wood were just up the track. unlike the other hills, which are all on green lanes, these are artificial sections marked out on the top of a grassy hill. With no stone bottom they were very slippery and a full blooded approach was required. Only Dean Partington cleaned all four. Dave Wall and Charlie Knifton did well but succumbed to the Class 8 restart on the Ubley 1 to loose their only five marks of the day. Without a restart here Sam Holmes in Class Four, Keith Sanders in Class Five, Gary Browning in Class Six and Dave Haizelden in Class One also went clear and went on to win their respective classes. 

Ubley Woods 2 and 3 were difficult but cleanable but it was Ubley Woods 4 that decided the trial when Dean was the only clear. 

Big Uplands was Cancelled

With Big Uplands cancelled there were only three sections after the lunch break. It should have been plain sailing for the leaders with Dean clear and Dave Haizelden and Keith Sanders on two. That wasn’t how it finished as Keith overshot a line on the Special Test which penalises you six marks on The Allen and it dropped him down the standings promoting Dave Wall to 3rd overall in his tidy K series Dellow. 

John Walker was the last section, a glorious blast though the mud and ruts just as the light was failing. It wasn’t a formality for the low slung cars though and Ian Moss dropped six in an unfamiliar and very standard looking Hillman Imp. The ruts were deep and both class winning cars of Aaron Haizelden and Dave Wall ended up with deranged front suspension.. 

Dean wins The Allen and The Wheelspin

So ended another well run and popular Allen Trial with Dean Partington victorious for the fourth time giving him an unassailable lead in The Wheelspin Trophy.

OverallDean Partington (DP Wasp)0
1David Haizelden (Golf GTi)2
2Adrian Dommett (Wolseley Hornet)9
3Aaron Haizelden (Ford Escort)12
4Sam Holmes (VW Beetle)5
5Keith Sanders (Reliant Scimitar SS1)8
6Gary Browning (VW Beetle)6
7Dave Broom (Marlin)10
8Dave Wall (Dellow)5

We have been publishing stuff about Classic Trials on the Web since 1995 and always appreciate feedback. Comments, Corrections, Criticism & Concerns are all welcome. You can leave a comment to have your say here on this web site or our Social Media

March Hare Blizzard

Dean Partington won his third March Hare Trial in a Blizzard, just pipping Mike Pearson on Special Test Times.

It was a memorable March Hare, both for the narrowness of Dean’s victory and the weather, which couldn’t have been worse. A couple of sections had to be cancelled but the rest held out and provided a real challenge. The real heroes of the day were the marshals, who went home wet and cold after providing the competitors with a fine days sport.

Dave Cook captured Dean Partington restarting on Water Tower & Mike Pearson clearing Coombe Hole in the snow before the weather got to his camera’s
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Here Comes the Rain 

No sooner had competitors started to arrive at the start than down came the rain that was to persist throughout the day, when it wasn’t snowing of course! With scruitineering in the sensible hands of John Blakeley and family competitors were soon on their way east, for a series of byway sections in North Hertfordshire. These were enjoyable and contained a fair amount of green laning, but apart from the restart on Cress Beds didn’t affect the results.

Luton Airport 

The first sections were at Copt Hall, on private land were in the shadow of Luton Airport. Had they looked down passengers in the big jets would have seen the first struggle was to get to the sections, nearly three quarters of a mile from the metalled road. Everyone made it in the end but this could have been a section in itself. 

First came a Special Test, with past March Hare winners Dean Partington and Mike Pearson sharing the honours with Liam Rafferty. Mike and Dean were to have a day long battle for the lead, Mike pipping Dean here by 0.5 seconds, split by Liam who was second fastest. 

The first observed section here was quite tricky, starting in the mud before twisting and turning through the trees before climbing a disused railway embankment. Only a select group of Class Eights went clean, headed by the Derbyshire contingent of Dean Partington (DP Wasp), Charlie Knifton (VW Scorpion) and Liam Rafferty (DP Cannon), joined by local Mike Pearson (Dellow Mk2 Replica). A special mention here for Kevin (son of Brian) Alexander who manged to get his diminutive Fiat panda through the mud at the bottom, nearly making it up the railway embankment. 

Strangely the second Copt Hall section wasn’t that muddy and was cleaned by most of the entry. 

Binghams Wood 

With all the rain the organisers had wisely cut out the lower reaches of Beetle Drive, but that still left a heavily rutted section, where the Yellows and Reds had to restart before assaulting Verduns Bank. Only an exclusive group got to sample the exit track. John Plant was the only non-restarter in his ex Adrian Tucker-Peake Peugeot 205. Kevin Barnes joined him in his supercharged Liege, aided by local man Simon Robson in the passengers seat. In Class Eight only Dean Partington went clear, putting him in the lead of the trial. 

Just up the track Webleys Wobble wasn’t subdivided but in the conditions proved difficult, especially with a Class Eight restart. Nobody went clean, although Dean managed to come out the top, dropping back a few feet after the failing the restart and driving out! 


As the route wound its way too the top of Dunstable Downs the rain turned to snow. It was very cold and windy as well and, with no respite on the horizon, some crews in open cars decided to call it a day. 

Proceedings here started with a Special Test round the barn. With all the mud it was a struggle to complete the route but most manged it in the end. Dean Partington set the fastest time with Mike Pearson just behind. This was to give Dean a ST total of 25.1 to Mikes 25.3 which at the finish would decide The March Hare Trophy. Two Observed Sections were planned here but one had to be cancelled when it became to difficult to reach it. 

The section that ran was a blast through the mud, followed by a stony track before turning off onto the grass for an adverse camber S bend. Mike Pearson was the only one clear here. Dean understeered off on the snow covered grass for two, putting him on eight, the same as Mike. Many of the other competitors failed to reach the grassy bit. Of those that did only Dave Oliver (Peugeot 205), Michael Leete (Beetle) and Kevin Barnes (Supercharged Liege) equalled Dean’s score.

Two sections were planned at this new location but this was cut back to one in view of the conditions. Called Coombe Hole it looked like a gentle drive through a copse. Rounding the final corner revealed the sting in the tail, a long dead straight track with a fair gradient. There were only two cleans and by now you won’t be surprised that they were Dean Partington and Mike Pearson, albeit with very contrasting styles! Charlie Knifton came very close to joining them but couldn’t quite coax his VW Scorpion to the section ends board.

There were some spirited attempts in the lower classes and three very different cars managed a four, Dave Oliver and Kevin Barnes were joined by Jade Bray in dad Neils Mk2 Escort with car builder Tony Underhill coming across from the Cotswolds as passenger. 

Hawridge Lane and Hill Farm

Neither of these nice two byways had restarts this year which was a shame. Hill Farm in particular can be quite competitive if the line is put in the right place. 

Back to Binghams

The snow had stopped by the time the field returned to Binghams for the final section. Falcons Folly has a nasty tree rooty restart for the Yellows and Reds. The lower classes didn’t have to restart but even so only Dave Oliver, Michael Leete and Peter Manning (MG Midget) went clear. For those that had to restart it proved impossible for all but two drivers, and I don’t think it takes much guessing to work out they were. Dean Partington and Mike Pearson both ended the trial with up 8 marks, the win just going to Dean as a result of being 0.2 seconds quicker on the Special Tests. 

Charlie Knifton was third overall in his recently acquired VW Scorpion and Dean had better watch out when he gets the hang of this Subaru powered machine. Michael Leete was delighted to be 4th overall on 21, just pipping Liam Rafferty (22), Kevin Barnes (24) and Dave Oliver (25). 

Nigel Jones overcome gear selection problems with his MGF to finish the trial and win class six. Kevin Barnes headed class 7, followed by Roger and Christina Dudley who was second after a close fought battle amongst a quartet of Marlins. 

Back at The Finish 

In the warmth of the Chequers Inn there was much talk on the relative merits of bad weather gear and common agreement that the marshals were the real hero’s of the day. So concluded an event that will be remembered both for the weather and the closest finish the March Hare Trial has seen. Congratulations to Dean Partington on a well deserved win and to Mike Pearson for making it go down to the wire.

OverallDean Partington (DP Wasp)8
Best FalconMichael Leete (VW Beetle)(21
1Dave Oliver (Peugeot 205)25
2Ivan Sharrock (HRG)39
3Jade Bray (Ford Escort)30
4Michael Leete (VW Beetle)21
5Peter Manning (MG Midget)29
6Nigel Jones (MGF)34
7Kevin Barnes (Liege)24
8Mike Pearson (Dellow Mk2 Replica)8

We have been publishing stuff about Classic Trials on the Web since 1995 and always appreciate feedback. Comments, Corrections, Criticism & Concerns are all welcome. You can leave a comment to have your say here on this web site or our Social Media

Dean wins Allen

Dean Partington won the Allen Trial with the only Clean Sheet. It was a DP Wasp one-two as Dean’s sister car was 2nd in the hands of Mike Chatwin. Mike only failed the muddy Ubley Woods Three which claimed most of the experienced drivers and potent cars.

As well as the Field Trial sections at Ubley Woods Big Uplands was also on form, ensuring that the all the classes were decided on the hills and not on Special Test Times.

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It is testament to the reputation of The Allen Trial, and its organisers that it attracted 63 entries at a time when entries are significantly lower. Not just in Classic Trialling but in all forms of Motorsport. The Allen was known for being run exclusively on classic lanes. In recent years some of these have been lost and this year five of the twelve sections were at private venues.

Fine Weather

The weather was ideal, wet overnight, with a bright sunny day for the event itself. The opening section at Tog Hill, only a few hundred yards from the start, didn’t cause any problems. Not so at Bitton Lane where the restart claimed the scalps of all four of the Suzuki X90’s in class five. There were only a couple of other failures, but these included the Escort of eventual Class Three winner Dick Bolt, who would need all the horsepower of this mega machine to blast through the mud on the later sections to claw back this loss. 

Big Uplands on Form 

Classes 1 to 6 had their visit to Big Uplands in the morning, while 7 & 8 went straight to Guys Hill. This arrangement is to save time for the the long reverse after the inevitable long list of failures towards the top. This year didn’t disappoint and big names like David Haizelden and Dick Bolt weren’t in the select half dozen who cleaned Big Uplands. Special mention to Peter Jones who came so near in his Suzuki X90. Also too Steve Potter and John Wilton went clear in their marvellous Trojans. Class six was to be decided here as Dean Vowden got out in his Type 3 Notchback while Claire Rippon stopped at the five.

Incident at Guys

Over at Guys Hill the organisers had to help the police and local farmer to sort out a road traffic accident on the exit road. Fortunately all was well when the cars came along. There were a few who might have preferred the section was cancelled as the tree roots were on form, making life particularly difficult for the re-starters in 6, 7 & 8.

More Roots at Travers

The route headed west of Chew Valley lake for the historic Travers section where 6, 7 and 8 had another battle with a tree rooty restart, which eliminated all but Dean and Claire for Class six honours and failed many in Class Seven.

Muddy Ubley

The Ubley Woods complex lay just up the track, where three sections and a special test were laid out on the top of the hill with magnificent views of the Bristol Channel in the fine weather. The observed sections were very muddy and only Dean Partington retained his clean sheet. Simon Woodall was the only other driver to clean the three Ubley’s but had failed at Guys Hill earlier in the day. Simon was to drop further from contention when he failed the restart at Burledge. He wasn’t the only one and the section is returning to competitiveness after many years following its resurfacing.

Pete Hart and his team had put a lot of work into the Lakeside sections since last year. Unfortunately everything didn’t go too plan, with Mullholland Bank having to be cancelled after PR problems. Then Chimney had to be abandoned for 7 & 8 for safety reasons after a couple of incidents with rear engined cars becoming too light on the front end. Fortunately this didn’t affect the overall result as Dean Partington had gone clean before the closure.

Magnificent John Walker

Seven and Eight had their attempt at Big Uplands on the way to the events finale at John Walker which was as magnificent as ever. Well perhaps not so magnificent for Nick Farmer who dropped six after a puncture resulting in a tyre come off the rim. 

Another Classic Allen 

So ended another classic Allen Trial. Charlie Kifton was delighted to win Class 1, a rare defeat for Dave Haizelden in this class. Sam Holmes won an event long battle with Hans Viertel and Ryan Tonkin emerging class four winner with his performance on the Ubley sections. In Class 7 Mal Allen won the battle of three Marlins followed by Kevin Barnes in his newly rebuilt supercharged Liege.

1Charles Knifton (Peugeot 205)11
2Adrian Dommett (Wolseley Hornet)7
3Dick Bolt (Ford Escort)15
4Sam Holmes (VW Beetle)11
5Keith Sanders (Reliant Scimitar SS)17
6Dean Vowden (VW Type 3 Notchback)24
7Mal Allen (Marlin)10
8Dean Partington (DP Wasp)0

We have been publishing stuff about Classic Trials on the Web since 1995 and always appreciate feedback. Comments, Corrections, Criticism & Concerns are all welcome. You can leave a comment to have your say here on this web site or our Social Media

Deans March hare

He came close last year, this time he did the business. Dean Partington won the weather shortened March Hare Trial, one of four clean sheets.

After a glorious morning the rain came down in buckets just after lunch, resulting in the cancellation of some of the afternoon sections when too many cars got stuck. These included some of the sub-divided “stopper” sections so there were four clean sheets, Dean in his Class 8 special, Steve Kenny (Liege) in Class 7 and the Class Four Beetles of John White and Michael Leete. Once special test times had been taken into account the order was Dean – John – Michael – Steve.

March Hare Trial winner Dean Partington successfully restarts on Hill Farm. Peter and James Mountain skilfully positioned the line to catch out many of the experienced competitors (Picture by Dave Cook).

This is one of the tracks that changes from year to year according to the amount of water that has run down it over the winter. This year Falcon had to contend with the landowner resurfacing it! Simon Robson had arranged a deviation for classes seven and eight towards the summit but even so everyone went clear.

Last year was the first time the modern March Hare has used this section although it may have been used back in the 50’s. Competitotrs who went up it last year weren’t expecting much of a challenge but drivers in 7 and 8 were in for a surprise as Chief official Murray MacDonald had devised a route up an adjacent grassy bank to test them. It looked daunting, it was daunting and the seven competitors that cleaned it deserve a special mention. Jack Endley, Mark Endley and Steve Kenny, all in Lieges in Class Seven. Ed Nikel (Dellow Mk2 Replica), Dean Partington (DP Wasp), Duncan Welch (Austin Healey SS) and Mike Chatwin (Troll) in Class Eight.

This is another section that has lost its bite after resurfacing. These days its all about the restart up onto the road which usually catches a few competitors. This year Clive Hillier was the only failure in his Marina. Unfortunately he retired soon afterwards.

Kensworths grassy slopes weren’t to much of a problem for higher classes but the saloons and sports cars had problems finding grip.

There was a rest halt after the two Brickhill sections. Time for the trial to regroup and for the mornings marshals to move to their afternoon duties. It also saw a change in the weather. The morning had been gloriously dry but now the rain started.

Rain was falling by the time the cars arrived at Ivinhoe. Unfortunately the observed section was to ambitious given the conditions and it had to be cancelled.

Although this track is yet another to suffer from resurfacing Ian Davis had placed the restart in just the right place to catch the unwary. It certainly did its job and around a third of the entry didn’t get away.

Back at the finish at the Bull in Redbourn the results indicated there were four clean sheets, Dean Partington emerging the ovearll  winner by virtue of the special tests. It was a shame that the weather had curtailed the end of the event as the Binghams sections are more than capable of resolving the results on the hills.

Plans are afoot to make Binghams more “rain proof” for next year by constructing better escape routes.

We have been publishing stuff about Classic Trials on the Web since 1995 and always appreciate feedback. Comments, Corrections, Criticism & Concerns are all welcome. You can leave a comment to have your say here on this web site or our Social Media

Dean’s Allen Trial

Dean Partington wins Allen Trial

It was a close run thing. Dean dropped all of his three marks in the Lakeside complex with his Toyota MR2 based DP Wasp. Dave Foreshew was the only driver to clean these three sections in his Ford Dingo special, but hadn’t got away from the Guys Hill restart earlier in the event so had to settle for second. Simon Woodall was third in his familiar VW Buggy.

David Bache on his way to the muddy pool on the first Lakeside section.

Pete Hart and his team ordered good trialling weather for The Allen Trial. Nice and damp but with the rain holding off until the drive home. 

There were problems after the introductory Tog Hill, when a police motorcyclist closed the A439 in the village of Wick after half the entry had passed because a wide load was on its way out of Bristol. This delayed proceedings for quite a while and some competitors retraced their steps to make an off-routecard diversion to Bitton Lane. In the end everyone regained the original route, but the running order was mixed up for the rest of the trial. 

There were two challenges at Bitton Lane. The restart and getting to it! From the start it looked smooth enough but after the 90 left there were deep ruts on a 90 right and this stopped a lot of cars with limited ground clearance. The restart was in the usual place, a left hand bend surfaced with polished stones. This caught out a surprising number of people, including Mike Hobbs in his Class Six Beetle and Mike Workman, Bill Foreshew and David Bache in Class Eight. 

Uplands was next, approached along the normal flooded track, although the water was not as deep as a few years ago. The Yellows and Reds cruised up the resurfaced Little Uplands on a non-competitive transit. They were to have their go at Big Uplands later, the morning was for the minnows in Blue and White who were able to make their assault without having to restart. It was tough enough though, the ruts were fearsome. All the diff draggers in class three bottomed out, leaving the glory to class two who all went clean, even the low powered Austin Sevens! 

Guys Hill was next, not to much of a problem for those who didn’t have to restart but the steps and tree roots awaited those that did. Few of the re-starters could get away. Dave Foreshew was one of them and dropped six, which transpired to be the only marks he would loose on the trial. If he had gone clean here Dave would have won the event! Andrew Rippon retired his VW Baja with a broken transmission, concluding that a powerful engine and grippy Matador tyres don’t mix! Michael and Colin Weeks retired their MG Midget here as well. Mainly PCT drivers they had entered The Allen to prepare for The Exeter. 

Travers was another traditional Allen Trial hill with a restart for the Yellows and Reds, situated on a nasty rocky area. The non re-starters should have been able to carry enough momentum through the rocks for it to be a trouble free section. However, it wasn’t so easy for some, and three of the Austin Seven’s failed, only Emma Wall going clean in her ex Peter Trelving car. Colin Perryman (BMW 2002) and Michael Leete (VW Beetle) also failed and both should have known better! The Yellows and Reds had quite a challenging restart amongst the rocks. Mike Hobbs made up for his failure on Bitton Lane by being the only class six Beetle to get away. A Marlin was definitely the wrong car here, only Jonathan Ellwood succeeding while all the non-Marlins were successful. Most of the leading runners in class eight were OK, apart from Dave Wall, in his smart Dellow Mk1, which dropped him out of contention. 

At the top of Travers competitors turned left into a muddy field for the two Ubley Woods sections and the first special test. The sections were similar, both very muddy, starting on the flat and turning 90 right up a greasy bank. Tyre pressures were free and going as low as possible was definitely the order of the day. Although decidedly out of character with the body of the trial these two sections placed a premium on driving skill and throttle control and while there were a lot of failures the leading contenders in all the classes cleared them both. The trial lost Steve Johnson here after suffering half shaft failure on his Triumph Special.

There was a rest halt beside the reservoir at Chew Valley, with hot meals available in the visitor areas cafeteria for those wanting them. Burledge was just up the road, not the same challenge now the ruts have been filled in, nerveless Simon Groves and Michael Leete both failed the restart under the eagle eye of John and June Blakeley who were marshalling here. 

It was back to the mud for three sections at Lakeside. The first was a strange affair, a gentle run up a tree lined muddy bank before dipping into a watery pool with a very sharp right-hander around the trees, taking care to avoid a hidden tree stump, which a kindly Mark Hobbs was pointing out. 

Up until now there had been some clean sheets but Dave Haizelden (Golf GTi), Nick Cleal (Peugeot 205), Tristan White (Class 7 Hillman Imp), Dean Partington (DP Wasp), Charlie Shopland (Shopland) and Ian Davis (VW Buggy) all lost them here, failing to get around the right hander in Mark Hobbs pool and dropping either one or two. This left only Adrian Dommett clean in his supercharged Wolseley Hornet. The other two Lakeside sections were PCT style up a muddy bank. Adrian surmounted the first one but failed to get around the bend at the bottom on the second, dropping nine and falling back to fourth overall behind Dean Partington, Dave Foreshew and Simon Woodall. 

And that’s how it remained at the finish. The Yellows and Reds had their attempt at Big Uplands and the wonderful John Walker section rounding off the event in fine style but not impacting the leading positions.

Best OverallDean Partington (DP Wasp)3
Class Winners
1David Haizelden (VW Golf GTi)10
2Adrian Dommett (Wolesley Hornet)9
3Andrew Martin (Ford Escort)12
4Giles Greenslade (VW Beetle)14
5Peter Jones (Suzuki X90)44
6Adrian Marfell (VW Beetle)16
7Tristan White (Imp)10
8David Foreshew (Ford Dingo)6

We have been publishing stuff about Classic Trials on the Web since 1995 and always appreciate feedback. Comments, Corrections, Criticism & Concerns are all welcome. You can leave a comment to have your say here on this web site or our Social Media