Christina’s March Hare

Roger Dudley took part in his first Classic Trial in his Marlin, passengered by daughter Christina.

Roger and Christina at the foot of Norton Street Lane

My first impressions of how the day was going to go were not great! Having to wake up at 6.30am to leave at 7.00am and being transported down to Markyate in an open top car in the freezing cold – let’s say I wasn’t impressed!! 

This year was the first time both me and my dad had competed in the March Hare using our own car and also the first time using the car!! My dad had always wanted a Marlin and when one came up he just had to have it – I suppose its better than the Dutton, but I would still prefer a Ferrari!!

When we got to the café at Markyate, we went straight to scrutineering, which we passed, thank goodness! Our time to set off was 9.25, so we had a bite to eat and took a few pictures of the car before it got hammered and then spoke to a few people. Before we knew it, it was our time to go! I was quite excited about what the task was, even though my map reading skills are very bad! I must admit I thought we would get a lost a couple of times, although it was good to see that other people got lost in the same places, so it wasn’t just us!! It was quite fun watching all the people staring at you as you go past; I bet they were thinking that we must be mad!!

My favourite hill of the day has to be the Edlesborough Hill, second section; the reason – we got up it!! My worst hill has to be section 10 at Ivinghoe; dad completely mucked it up going at it from the wrong angle! We ended up coming down faster than we went up!! Nevertheless, we were still happy to have the car in one piece!! 

We would like to mention a big thanks to all the marshals, as without their support the March Hare would not be able to take place – and I sure know what it feels like to be standing in the freezing cold! At least it wasn’t snowing like last year! We would also like to say thanks to the drivers for giving us tips on how not to get lost, and how to climb a hill! Roll on next year – maybe we will do a bit better (and dad might have got the car sorted by then!) 

Christina Dudley

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