Tough Allen Win for Dave Haizelden

Rob Holden was an excellent second in his BMW estate with the only other clean sheet apart from Dave’s. Dean Partington was third, keeping his Wheelspin Trophy hopes alive.

Rob Holden finally found some engine reliability, cleaning all the hills in his BMW but having to give best to Dave Haizelden on special test times

The ever popular Allen Trial took just four days to max out the entry in the main trial. There was also provision for Heritage cars to take part in a parallel event but as this didn’t attract any entries it looks as if Heritage is defunct. It was a damp start to the day which didn’t brighten up and ended with persistent rain.

The start at The Bull at Hinton. Lined up are three of Dean Partingtons DP cars competing on the trial. From left to right. The DP Falcon, trialled by Dean many years ago and recently re-acquired and updated. In the middle is the very familiar rear engined DP Wasp recently purchased and driven on The Allen by Paul Merson. On the right is Jack Selwood’s DP Ford, originally constructed by Reg Taylor. This is the car that took Mike Furse to a triple and Graham Marshall to ACTC championships. It still has the original 1500 pre-crossflow engine (Photo by Kieran Bartlett)

Tog Hill was just up the road from the start and there were some delays after about half the field went through as one of the Austin 7’s experienced problems and blocked the section. It wasn’t a happy start for Class 2 as Michael Wall’s Trojan had to retire on the following road section.

The restart on the polished stones on Bitton Lane challenged some of the Austin 7’s in a bumper Class 2 entry.

Not so Mick Holmes who got away smoothy in what I believe was his cars first trial. Mick’s passenger was son Sam, normally seen driving his very competitive Class 4 Beetle with Mick as his passenger.

Until recently the Allen was known for all the sections being on tracks but as some of these became unavailable some are now on private land. The first of these at Fairy Hill was a short, sharp bank with separate restarts for Class 8 and 6 & 7 which was harder than the specials! It was still a challenge for the non-re-starters though and only Rob Holden, Nicola Butcher and Dave Haizelden avoided the escape road.

Jack Selwood in his DP Ford on Fairy Hill (Video by Norton Selwood) Click Here for more of Nortons videos from Fairy Hill
Class 2 winner Andrew Isherwood repairs the fuel line on his Dellow Mk1 at the top of Big Uplands

Big Uplands wasn’t too difficult but it was very rough and Andrew Isherwood ripped the fuel line off his Mk1 Dellow. Fortunately he was able to repair it and went on to win Class 2.

Video from Big Uplands. Credit to Steamboy’s Adventures

Guys Hill is always challenging, especially for those having to restart on the fearsome polished stones which defeated about half the entry.

Travers wasn’t very difficult but like Big Uplands it was very, very rough. Perhaps it was all the rain experienced over the last few months washing out between the rocks. Let’s hope these two sections are a bit less damaging next year. Johnathan Layzell bent his wheels beyond repair on Traverse and wisely decided to go no further.

After the Chew Vally Lake break came Burledge before the sections in the Fry’s Bottom Complex.

Frys Bottom 1 was a steep very muddy bank for Class 8 only. It looked impossible but five of the specials managed to go clear.

The second section in the complex was a weave through trees. It wasn’t very steep but was very slippery and many either under steered into the trees or stopped before doing so.

Class eight missed the third section and went directly to Frys Bottom 4. This was difficult enough without a restart but Class 8 had one and none got away, Tom Jones doing best dropping a one.

Frys Bottom 2 Videos by Norton Selwood. Click Here for the itemised playlist

The blast up the glorious John Walker rounded off the day. After the drive to the finish there were just two clean sheets. Dave Haizelden pipping Rob Holden on test times.


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