Simon Oates wins Torbay in his Liege

Mark Wills best Solo and Steve Urell/Julie Williams took the Outfit award on a tough day made even more difficult for later numbers when the rain came down in the afternoon

Torbay winner Simon Oates on Tipley (Photo by Jo Goodman)

Returning to its traditional start at the Kennford Court Hotel the Torbay attracted its usual good entry. The start list was dominated by no less than 17 Class Eights, drawn no doubt by the Torbays reputation as a tough trial.

Principle organisers Dave Haizelden and Keith Sanders had to contend with a very wet period leading up to the trial which made some of the sections a little more challenging than planned. Then rain on the day itself made some very slippy for the later numbers.

Starting first Class Eight had the advantage of missing the worst of the weather later in the afternoon but had to contend with some formidable restarts. Neverless Dean Partington came close to victory but was pipped to the post by Simon Oates in his Class 7 Liege.

The early action at the Kingswell sections ensured machines and crew were soon plastered with mud

Solos and Class Eight able to enjoy an extra section between the high banks of Kingswell Sheds. The sticky nature at Kingswell did delay things a bit when cars had to be extracted from the goo and later runners were several hours late.

Dean Partington followed by Aaron Haizelden on Kingswell Lane (Not sure who to credit for the videos)

Class Eight had a deviation and a restart on Kingswell Lane which defeated all the specials despite some spectacular runs through the lower reaches. Recognising the deep ruts made life difficult for diff draggers on 13 inch wheels they received scoring relief and their scores were halved.

Phil Parker got the furthest in this group in his Escort, getting to the four and receiving two as a penalty. Interestingly all four of the class three BMW’s went clear showing the importance of ground clearance on this infamous section.

There were Five sections In and around Ilsington

The normally challenging Tipley was the first section in this group. The lower classes had little problem with their restart but it was a different issue for Class Eight where a number failed to get away.

Pail Merson restarting on Tipley (Video by Dave Smithson)
Matt Facey captured the action on Narracombe, known as Donkey Trot when used as a Class 0 section on the Exeter. Click Here for the Playlist

This Exeter Trial Class 0 section proved challenging for all especially Class Eight whose restart defeated the entire class, most slipping backwards on the rock when Pete Hart dropped the flag and they applied the power. It looked as if Tom Jones would succeed but even he only got to the two.

Kofi Farley captured action from Simms and Penhale Climb.

Simms had three different restarts depending on Class after which Birchanger was just around the corner.

Photo Gallery from Birchanger. The higher reaches of the climb became more difficult as time went on and the rain made the track very slippery, especially with the adverse camber. No cars went clean on this section. Photos by Duncan Stephens.

Duncan Stephens was at the muddy Birchanger section

The remaining sections were all on private land. Dean Partington had been going well in his DP Falcon but clipped a Yellow Board restart marker on Coombehead Creek which cost him five marks to finish two behind event winner Simon Oates.

The last section “Dire Straits” preceded by a clip at “Gale Farm” (Not sure who to credit for this video)

Stuart Highwood had a good run in his Reliant Scimitar SS to finish fifth overall, the only car outside seven and eight to break into the top ten.

Nicola Butcher was the best saloon finishing eleventh overall in her Class Four Beetle

In Car with Stuart Palmer in his Class 2 Austin Seven


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